Meet Sister Gabrielle

Sister Gabrielle has devoted her life to serving the poor and injured. A Montagnard Catholic Nun, she was also a doctor in the KonTum hospital (Minh-Quy) from 1958 until the end of the Vietnam war. KonTum was a major battle ground in the Central Highlands during the War and thousands of American soldiers and Montagnard soldiers fought together. Many GI's met Sister Gabrielle in the Minh-Quy hospital.
In 2001 two of those GI's returned to KonTum for the first time since the War. They recognized Sister Gabrielle who was running an Orphanage in a run down, flea infested, dirt floor building. The orphanage had little support and the Sisters and kids would walk the streets everyday begging for food. The GI's gave Sr Gabrielle all the money they had at the time ($100). Once home, they collected $500 from friends, fellow vets, and family members and immediately sent the meager funds to Sr Gabrielle.
Sister Gabrielle with Tom Solyst, VP of VN Operations
Sister Gabrielle has devoted her life to serving the poor and injured. Her inspiration was the beginning of Friends of Vinh Son Orphanages (FVSO) where Vietnam vets and friends have worked tirelessly to raise money and return to KonTum to support the children of Vinh Son.
FVSO currently supports 7 orphanages and over 750 children. We raise $350,000 a year to support the children and sisters of Vinh Son. Most of the sisters now live in the convent in KonTum; however, there are a few who still work at orphanages in the villages. Sister Gabrielle is one of those Sisters. She wakes up at 4:30 in the morning for Mass and breakfast with the children, then goes to the fields to work, returning for lunch and a nap in the afternoon.
Sister Gabrielle is our cherished friend and valued partner in creating a better life for the children of the Vinh Son Orphanage.